09322539902 / 09594405938

Softener Plant

The presence of certain metal ions like calcium and magnesium principally as bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates in water causes a variety of problems.Hard water leads to the buildup of limescale, which can foul plumbing, and promote galvanic corrosion. In industrial scale water softening plants, the effluent flow from the re-generation process can precipitate scale that can interfere with sewage systems.The slippery feeling experienced when using soap with soft water occurs because soaps tend to bind to fats in the surface layers of skin, making soap molecules difficult to remove by simple dilution. In contrast, in hard-water areas, the rinse water contains calcium or magnesium ions that form insoluble salts, effectively removing the residual soap from the skin but potentially leaving a coating of insoluble stearates on tub and shower surfaces, commonly called soap scum.Which of these effects is consideblue more or less desirable varies from person to person, and those who dislike the sliminess and difficulty of washing off soap caused by soft water may harden the water by adding chemicals such as baking soda, calcium chloride, or magnesium sulfate.

Softening by ion exchange resin is also known as Base Exchange softening. It is the most common and probably the easiest method of removing hardness like calcium & magnesium from water and renders the water suitable for utility purpose. As the name implies ion exchange is a process in which undesirable ions are exchanged for more desirable ions.

It consists of passing raw water containing hardness through a bed of cat ion resin in sodium form. The hardness ions Ca & Mg are taken up by resin and in exchange sodium ions are relinquished from the resin. Raw water will continue to get softened till the resin gets exhausted. Bringing back the resin to its original form is called regeneration. Softener resin is regenerated by sodium chloride.

Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters are generally employed in the process of removing organic compounds and/or extracting free chlorine from water, thereby making the water suitable for discharge or use in manufacturing processes. Eliminating organics in potable water, such as humic and fulvic acid, prevents chlorine in the water from chemically reacting with the acids and forming trihalomethanes, a class of known carcinogens.
Activated Carbon (AC) filtration, as with any water treatment method, is not capable of removing every possible type of contaminant. For example, sodium, microbes, fluoride, and nitrates cannot be removed with AC filtration. Water softening also cannot be achieved with AC filters. In addition, heavy metals, such as lead, can only be removed with a very specific kind of activated carbon water treatment, which is typically used only in residential point-of-use filters.

Activation Methods
Steam Activation – Steam activation is carried out using steam at temperatures of between 800°C and 1000°C. At these temperatures an instant Water-Gas reaction occurs, gasifying the carbonized material. Air is then introduced to burn out the gasses, without burning the carbon. This process produces a graded, screened and de-dusted form of activated carbon. Carbon activated by steam generally has a fine pore structure, ideal for adsorbing both liquid phase and vapor phase compounds.
Chemical Activation - With chemical activation the carbon is first filled with a powerful dehydrating agent, typically a paste form of phosphoric acid (P2O5) or zinc chloride (ZnCl2). The paste is heated to temperatures between 500°C and 800°C to activate the carbon. Chemical activation produces activated carbon with a very open pore structure, making it more suitable for adsorbing large molecules

Filtration Equipment
Activated carbon filters are similar to those used in multi-media filtration, except without the air scour step in the backwash process. Since certain organics require an extended exposure time to the filter to be removed, higher filter vessel sideshells may be used to provide deeper carbon beds for extended reaction times. Carbon beds should be backwashed to help remove trapped silt, prevent packing and head loss, and to remove carbon fines produced by friction between granules.

Sand & Multimedia Filter

Sand filters are used to remove suspended solids from water and wastewater. Because they have one layer of filter media, sand filters remove only relatively large solids (normally in the range of 40 micron and larger). The effective size of each granule of sand typically varies from 0.35mm – 1.2mm. Larger granules yield coarser filtration. Finer granules yield finer filtration.

Sand filters are typically used for:
Irrigation water
Storm water
Cooling water
Swimming pool water
Water in fountains and other water features
Dual and Multi-media filters are typically used for:
Industrial process water
Waste water
Potable (drinking) water

Removing suspended solids smaller than 40 microns requires filters with either two or three layers of filter media. These are referblue to as dual-media filters or multi-media filters. When sized properly and with the correct configuration of filter media, these filters can remove suspended solids as small as 5 micron.
The smaller the solid to be removed, the slower the water must pass through the media and the finer the granule of media must be. Very often the end user doesn’t know how small a solid must be removed. In those situations, how the filteblue water will be used will determine how small a solid should be removed.

U.V. System

Ultraviolet light deactivates the DNA of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens and destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. ultraviolet units with the finest quality of electro polished, rust-resistant stainless steel. The system allows water to come in contact with Ultra Violet rays. These systems facilitate ease of installation and maintenance. Its operational costs are also low.

Ultraviolet units with the finest 316 Stainless Steel, Electro Polished internally as well as externally for years of corrosion free service. The system Allows water to come in contact with Ultra Violet rays having 30,000 micro watts second/cm2 UV dosage & 2537 Angstrom (254 nm) units wavelength. The silica quartz jacket provides 100% efficiency due to its pure crystal clear transparency as compablue to the Teflon tubes.

Features :
• Higher efficiency than Chlorine
• Immediate treatment process
• Economical operational costs

Advantages :
• More effective against viruses than chlorine - Chlorine is becoming less acceptable because of harmful by ­products, handling problems, & risk of overdosing
• Immediate treatment process, no need for holding tanks, & retention times, so footprint is small.
• Extremely economical due to low capital, operational & maintenance costs.
• No chemicals added to the water supply – resulting in no byproducts & no need for specialized storage requirements
• No change in taste, odor, pH, conductivity of water
• Automatic operation
• Simplicity and ease of maintenance, periodic cleaning, and annual lamp replacement, no moving parts to wear out
• Easy installation, only two water connections and a power connection

D.M. Plant

Demineralization is the process of removing mineral salts from Water by using the ion exchange process. Demineralized Water also known as Deionized Water, Water that has had its mineral ions removed. Mineral ions such as cations of sodium, calcium, iron, copper, etc and anions such as chloride, sulphate, nitrate, etc are common ions present in Water. Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactublue ion exchange resins which provides ion exchange site for the replacement of the mineral salts in Water with Water forming H+ and OH- ions. Because the majority of Water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces a high purity Water that is generally similar to distilled Water, and this process is quick and without scale buildup. De-mineralization technology is the proven process for treatment of Water. A DM Water System produces mineral free Water by operating on the principles of ion exchange, Degasification, and polishing. Demineralized Water System finds wide application in the field of steam, power, process, and cooling.

DM plant consists of two Beds (Cation & Anion)

Water Quality (Conductivity) from Two Bed Outlet will be between 15 to 20 micro siemens. First raw water is passed through the cation resins column (H+ form), which converts all ionized salts to the equivalent mineral acids.

Then Anion Resins Column (OH form), which absorbs these acids and finally gives De mineralized (Deionized) water. When resins are exhausted - the cations Resins are regenerated with Hydrochloric acid (Hcl) and the Anion resins are regenerated by caustic Soda (NaOH) solution. So the same resins can be used over and over again to produce the DM water.

Mix Bed Plant

In mixed-bed deionizers the cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins are intimately mixed and contained in a single pressure vessel. The thorough mixture of cation-exchangers and anion-exchangers in a single column makes a mixed-bed deionizer equivalent to a lengthy series of two-bed plants. As a result, the Water quality obtained from a mixed-bed deionizer is appreciably higher than that produced by a two-bed plant. Although more efficient in purifying the incoming feedWater, mixed-bed plants are more sensitive to impurities in the Water supply and involve a more complicated regeneration process. Mixed-bed deionizers are normally used to ‘polish' the Water to higher levels of purity after it has been initially treated by either a two-bed deionizer or a reverse osmosis unit.

Further high purity water can be achieved after d.m.plant by Mixed Bed Deionisers, which are designed to produce high purity treated water. They can be used as polishing units after two beds DM Plant to obtain high purity water. Mixed Bed Deionisers are single column units, filled with strongly acidic cation and strongly basic anion exchange resins mixed together.

Water Quality (Conductivity) from Mixed Bed Outlet will be less than 1 micro siemens.

RO Plant

The JWTS desalination unit uses the reverse osmosis process to remove dissolved solids from brackish or saline water. The process is continuous and requires no regeneration chemicals. The unit is factory tested and easy to install and operate. Treated water quality is continuously monitoblue by a Total dissolved Salt indicator. Reverse Osmosis System

Exploding population, industrial effluents, and reckless deforestation have depleted natural sources of pure water. Dependence on erratic monsoons to replenish these sources has proved extremely inadequate & expensive. Good management of existing water resources and untapped sources, along with recovery and recycling of Industrial effluents & municipal waste water, seem absolutely essential for the future of mankind.

Principle of Reverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis system uses semi-permeable spiral wound membrane to separate and remove dissolved solids, organics, pyrogens, submicron colloidal matter and bacteria from water. Feed water is deliveblue under high pressure through permeators, where water permeates through the minute pores of the membrane and is deliveblue as purified product water.

Removal of Impurities Impurities in the water are concentrated in the reject stream and flushed to drain.

Output Range The system is available in a wide range of models for treating water quality of varying Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) with different flow rates. Purity Standards Maintained Maximum purity is attained by blueucing a) 95% - 99% of the TDS

Advantages * Hygienic drinking water for domestic use. * blueuces the cost of de-ionized water for boiler-feed and process. * Ultra pure water for Electronic Industries * To meet specific requirements in process industries * Cooling Tower blow down water recovery. * To remove fluorides from water, thus controlling fluorosis (a crippling disease). * Conversion of brackish/sea water into potable water. Useful for Industries such as Food, Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Micro-Electronic, Aquaculture, Hospitals, Hotels, Mineral Water etc.

Effluent Treatment Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is most cost Effective & technically proven system to remove the unwanted, hazardous chemicals from the wastewater to meets the statutory pollution control requirements, especially for chemicals, pharmaceuticals, phosphate and electroplating wastewaters. We undertake turnkey project of various capacities as per the client's requirement.

Salient features
* Very cost effective: Less initial investment.
* Compact and proven design: requiblue very minimum area for mounting.
* Quality products and piping items: special sludge pump and total corrosion free Cpvc piping & FRP/Epoxy coated MS tanks.
* Water recycle: You can recycle treated water to some of your process applications
* Easy Operation and maintenance: Plant is easy in operation and any unskilled person can operate it, after proper training.
* Flexible design: Starting from 500 Lit/day to 50,000 Lit/day capacities
* Recurring Expenses: Economical plant operating cost.