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Cooling water chemicals

To ensure such cooling systems are correctly maintained and operate at optimum efficiency it is essential that the correct cooling water conditions are established and then maintained at all times. This can be achieved using carefully selected cooling water treatment chemicals.
SRS Aquatech comprehensive range of high performance cooling water treatment chemicals have been scientifically formulated to deliver significant operational benefits and performance improvements to cooling towers, and open and closed cooling systems that use water as a primary coolant.Cooling towers are vulnerable to a variety of contaminants that cause deposit formation, such as mineral scales and sludge. Deposition interferes with heat transfer, increases corrosion rates, restricts water flow, and causes loss of process efficiency and production.

A cooling tower water treatment system is an arrangement of technologies that remove damaging impurities from your cooling tower feed water, circulation water, and/or blowdown. The specific configuration of your system will depend on several things, including:

  • What type of cooling tower you have (open circulating, once-through, or closed loop)
  • quality of your feed water
  • manufacture-recommended quality requirements for the cooling tower and equipment
  • chemistry/makeup of your circulatory water
  • Regulatory requirements for discharge
  • whether or not blowdown will be treated for reuse in the cooling tower
  • type of heat exchanger
  • cycle of concentration